“11 The greatest among you must be a servant.”
Stephen Ministry
Leadership Training
This is a training ministry for future church leaders; clergy, elders, deacons, and lay leaders. Each trainee will be trained and observed for the retention of biblical and leadership information, and their faithfulness to their assignment. This ministry does not guarantee promotion to the aforementioned church leadership positions, but serves as a clearing house for qualified candidates.
Ministry trainees will be mentored in the responsibility of handling the spiritual and temporal matters of the church, such as: Shepherding cell groups, family ministry, prayer teams, and visitation; assisting the senior pastor, elders and ministerial staff with the spiritual matters of the church.
Altar Workers/Intake Counselors
To assist those who come to the altar for prayer, salvation, rededication, and church membership. Individuals who come to the altar are directed to the prayer room where they are personally ministered to by prayer room counselors.
Individual Prayer Counselors
Individual prayer counselors are available to pray with congregants at a designated time during service. Prayer counselors agree in prayer with members and visitors regarding any need or concern they may have.
Intercessors stand before God appealing for His mercy and intervention on behalf of those who are in need of prayer. They are prayer warriors who fight to advance the Kingdom of God by driving back the forces of evil in the world. They are the watchmen who stand guard to ensure the prayers of the righteous go forth unhindered.
Sacred Dancers
Dance Ministry
Praising and worshipping God through the gift of dance, the Dance Ministry works closely with the Music Ministry. Dance Ministry volunteers choreograph inspired dance routines that enhance the praise and worship service and help usher in the presence of God.
Bible Discovery
Bible Discovery is one of the networks of the LWCI Education Ministry. The classes are offered for a number of ages; Adults, Young Adults, High School, Middle, Elementary, and Preschool. In these classes the Bible is taught to uncover unknown topics that may have not been taught in the traditional Sunday School class.
Power In The Word Biblical Research
Power in the Word Bible Research offers not only a comprehensive instruction of the Word of God, but it offers inspirational and thought provoking lectures that will stir the soul. It is also designed to encourage the student to research answers found in scripture to explain provocative dialogue in the class setting.
Ignite 2.0 Student Ministry
Ignite 2.0 Student Ministry is the student ministry movement of Light of the World Church International for this generation to experience Explosive worship, Enlightened teaching, and Empowerment for each student to have authentic relationships with Christ, family, and friends.
Our mission is to connect teens and young adults to the life-changing power of God. We provide spiritual mentoring for students so that they may know Christ and grow in their faith. By developing personal gifts and callings, we seek to empower and release students to impact their world for Christ.
Gate Keepers Security
The goal of the GKS is to provide a safe secure environment, for those persons who worship, meditate, praise and fellowship in Light of the World Church International. As Gatekeepers, we are to protect the Pastor/Family Members/Visitors by providing a safe environment during all Church Services.
Church Service Associates
Church Service Associates
The ushers and greeters (CSA) are the face and heart of the church. They are the first people that are encountered, and continuously interact with those that attend service. First impressions are lasting ones and reflect greatly on the ministry. Therefore, flowing in the love of God at all times is a mandatory requirement. Greeters are responsible for cheerfully welcoming all members and visitors to service. Ushers are responsible for maintaining order throughout the service by directing and seating people in an orderly manner. Ushers are also responsible for handing out offering envelopes, brochures, and administering offering buckets.
Worship And Arts
The purpose of the Worship & Arts Ministry is to provide devotion that will illuminate the preached word of God through singing, drama, dance and instrumental music.
Music Ministry - Singers and Musicians
The goal of the Music Ministry is to provide a sanctified atmosphere through a spiritual flow of praise and worship that invokes the manifested presence of God during the corporate worship experience. The choir, praise team, soloists and musicians, all have a part in building this atmosphere to assist in preparing members' and visitors' hearts to receive the Word of God.
Food Services
The purpose of Light of the World Church Food Service is to support and enhance the ministries of the church by serving healthy, delicious food. We serve them so that they might serve the congregation. We believe food provides the perfect opportunity for fellowship among our church members, visitors and guests.
Beams Of Light
Beams of Light Children’s Ministry are designed to impact children ages 3 to 11 to be Kingdom Kids for Christ. In this ministry children will be exposed to the love of Jesus Christ and empowered to share Christ love to the world. BLCM will encourage these young souls to be exceptional in all they do, letting Christ’s light shine through.